
Veröffentlichung Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Veröffentlichung in der Fachzeitschrift Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Andrea Essl, David Hauser, and Frauke von Bieberstein have published the paper “Let's Think About the Future: The Effect of Positive and Negative Future Primes on Pro-Environmental Behavior” in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. In an online experiment with 810 participants, they found that those participants primed on future events planted significantly more trees and demonstrated higher pro-environmental intentions compared to the control group, who were primed on leisure activities unrelated to the future. Exploring the mechanisms behind these results, the researchers discovered that exposure to future primes induces a heightened sense of concern for both the future and the environment. On the flip side, the leisure prime seemed to trigger present concerns, potentially leading to fewer trees planted.
